Saturday, March 5, 2011

Liz's 30th Birthday Celebration

Last night we went out to celebrate Liz's 30th Birthday. Her choice of celebration establishments was the Big Echo for karaoke. We had not been to this place since 2006 when we were all here the last time. We had gone after the Army Ball.

We had a blast!! There were about 25 of us however the group started small and eventually grew. Everyone managed to pick a song and sang. There were two big surprises of the night. The first was Tomoko!! She rocked the house!!

The second was Stephen!! Everytime I looked over he had the microphone in his hand. He sang pretty much every song that came on. We sang Love Shack together. We were quite a hit.

Liz sang a very colorful version of Forget You. We must have sang that song at least 3 times.

One funny thing I do have to point out is that the food menu contained a basket of doughnuts. I have never in my life been to a bar that offered a doughnut basket.

Over all we had a great time and hope Liz enjoyed her big celebration!!!

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