Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Assisgment

We finally got our assignment on 16 March 2011. Out of 152 possible assignments we got our #6 choice, Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately this is an unaccompanied tour so the girls and I will be heading back to Arizona. Our plans are to leave Okinawa and proceed to Arizona so the girls and I can get settled. Cesario will stay around 40 days and then fly out to his new duty station. We are very excited to get the girls home especially Maggie as she has never left Okinawa. I am hoping they do well on the flight. I gave my resignation at work and my last day was going to be 15 April however I am going to have to put in an amendment to leave a week earlier. We will miss Okinawa dearly as we have spent most of our military career here but I am looking forward to a change and being around family and friends for a while.

We went on Friday to make our flight reservations. We filled out all of our paperwork and were told that due to the size of our kennels they could not guarantee that both girls could be on the same flight once we depart our port of entry in the United States. They said there was a possibility that Cesario and I would get on a flight with one dog but the other would take a later flight. This is not an option so we opted for smaller kennels. I spent my afternoon putting them together and putting snazzy Care Bear stickers on them. They aren't much smaller than the ones we have but apparently inches can make a difference.

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